Interesting facts about garlic


Garlic is a type of bulbous plant that belongs to the family of lilies.

This plant originates from central Asia.

There are more than 450 varieties of garlic.

Garlic was one of the first herbs to be cultivated.

Cultivation of garlic started about 4000 years ago.

First ancient civilization that truly incorporated garlic into their diet was Egypt. In 3rd millennium BC garlic was used not only by nobility, but also in medicine, religious rituals and was given to the slaves as a powerful source of strength.

Garlic is one of the oldest food flavorings that as discovered in ancient times. Archaeological records speak that this seasoning plant was used even in Neolithic times, more than 7,000 years ago.

Garlic has been used throughout recorded history for both medicinal and culinary purposes.

Garlic can grow to the height of 120 centimeters (4 feet).

garlic grow

Garlic has short, disk-shaped stem that forms at the base of the plant.

Garlic produces ovoid bulb that consists of 7 to 15 cloves. Color of the bulb depends on the variety. Most common types of garlic have white or pinkish bulbs. Root is located on the basal part of the bulb.

Garlic produces greenish, white or pink flowers arranged in spherical umbel (type of inflorescence). Flowers develop at the end of long scapes (flower stalks). Garlic produces hermaphrodite flowers (they contain both types of reproductive organs). Bees and other types of insects are responsible for the pollination.

garlic flower

Garlic is one of the healthiest foods on earth with many health properties: anti blood coagulation, antioxidant, antiviral, antimicrobial, lowers cholesterol, anticancer properties and really helps fight the common cold.

Another benefit of garlic is it helps regulate the body’s blood pressure. So whether you have problems with low or high blood pressure, garlic can help equalize it.

Garlic contains many trace minerals which are important for normal functioning of our metabolism. Among them are copper, iron, magnesium, germanium, zinc and selenium.

Garlic contains Vitamins C and B group, fibre and various amino acids.

Crushing of garlic cloves induces release of enzymes which trigger creation of sulfur compounds that are responsible for the pungent and long lasting odor of garlic.

Garlic and onions are toxic to cats and dogs.

Garlic used to be called Russian penicillin and given to soldiers in WW2.

Garlic can thin the blood similar to the effect of aspirin.

Garlic is said to fight off evil spirits and keep vampires away.

Garlic must be stored unpeeled in dark, cool, dry place, away from other foods.

Drinking lemon juice or eating a few slices of lemon will stop bad garlic breath.